Thursday, December 29, 2011

WANTED: Functioning Brain

    Life was like a stale bread for us.  It keeps us full, yet it is unpalatable.  My brain is very much okay, Thank you.  But the longer I exercise it, the worst it contorts itself.  Home has much to do with it.  At my age, which is pretty much beyond the calendar, I suffer what I call Brain Depletion.  My sibs and I were suffering it all our lives.  Being a robot is a mild word to describe our life.  We are the new generation zombies.  Wait till we eat your brains!
     It is no laughing matter though I laugh at myself most of the time making people think I have a loose screw somewhere but this is very normal for a reflex.  At least I still manage to have reflexes.  What will I be if I loose that as well?
     Pops had been the very engineer of our moronic brain.  It's painful but true.  If Hitler were still here, he would be very proud of him.  But I hate fascism and communism.  Am I not a free creature?  Sure we could stumble along the way, but isn't it the only way to learn?  There are people who never learn at one mistake but they do learn.  That's a fact.
     Sometimes I wonder if he even treat us as human beings.  He is nice to other people but to us and ma (God, bless her soul!) we are nothing but the idiot housekeeper.  The verbal abuse can be mind shrinking but I get used to it (though not all of the time).  My sibs caught it harder.  They don't have my restless thoughts.  This save me from getting demented.  Sometimes when he shouts (he never admit he shouted nor he cursed) I can't help laughing.  Maybe I am getting crazy but just don't realize it.
     You can't indeed choose your family but if we can, I would rather come out of a splitting bamboo.  No headaches and my brain would be defective free...

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